Sg project 5
Sg project 5

sg project 5

Due to relativistic effects of the black hole, once the two gates are connected they can virtually not be shut down.

sg project 5

Their plan is to plant a normal gate next to the Supergate and another next to a black hole in Pegasus. Having been unsuccessful in dialing out with the Supergate the Ori used to invade the Milky Way galaxy, the team hopes to dial in from Pegasus since the Supergate was designed to be dialed from another galaxy. Colonel Cameron Mitchell join the Odyssey for a dangerous mission. The SG-1 team of Daniel, Carter and Vala having a briefing with their Atlantis counterparts: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir. To Daniel's surprise, the hologram returns the names, Taoth Vaclarush and Valos Cor, along with their Stargate addresses. After several unsuccessful inquires, Vala becomes impatient and forces Daniel to ask the computer directly about the old English names of the planets Castiana and Sahal. In the city's Holo room, they consult with the city's teaching computer's interface, a holographic projection of a 30 to 40-year-old woman. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran visit the Ancient city of Atlantis, now an Earth outpost in the Pegasus galaxy and inhabited by the Atlantis expedition. Merlin was once ascended, but chose to retake human form to create a weapon that can destroy ascended beings in order to fight the Ori-and to keep that work hidden from the others of his kind who have a strict rule of non-interference with un-ascended mortals.Ĭontinuing their search for the Sangraal, Dr. Still rumored but undiscovered is a powerful weapon invented by Merlin, whom SG-1 learned was a Lantean scientist (Myrddin, also known as Moros) who returned to Earth from Atlantis 10,000 years ago With the threat of the Ori now pressing upon the Milky Way, SG-1 continues its desperate search for any way to stand up to them. Rodney McKay plan to use a Stargate and a black hole to block the Supergate and prevent the Ori from dispatching more ships. Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran search through the Atlantis database, Lt. A clue for the Sangraal leads SG-1 to Atlantis.

Sg project 5